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Now You Know The Right People

Our consultants don't come from think tanks or consulting firms. They were forged in the Silicon Valley. And they have the skills, drive, and network to prove it.

Our Consultants don’t come from think tanks or consulting firms. They were forged in the Silicon Valley. And they have the skills, drive and network to prove it.

Marketing Strategy

Our research tells you how to position your product for success. We help you develop your value prop, messaging, & cohesive, measurable business & marketing strategies.


Over 20 years of experience helping startups get funding. We help you develop your ideas and work into a strong, powerful pitch that brings in funding.


Transitioning from idea, prototype, or product beta to working company can seem overwhelming. Ramping up is hard if you haven’t done it before. We show you how to do it.

Recent Projects

Wisdom and observations from modern markets.

About Brindle

Your Secret Weapon for Success

We're familiar with every step along the startup journey, and we specialize in the strategy, research, and decisions needed with today's markets.

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Our philosophy

We call our philosophy The Silicon Valley Way

We've worked with hundreds of startup companies, at every stage of existance. We've spent time in engineering, in marketing, working with founders to get funding, and working with VCs to validate founders.


Marketing Strategy

We help organizations across private, public, and social sectors create on the Change that Matters most to them.


We help organizations across private, public, and social sectors create on the Change that Matters most to them.


We help organizations across private, public, and social sectors create on the Change that Matters most to them.


Our consultants include medical doctors, engineers, designers, data scientists, business managers.


Our consultants include medical doctors, designers, data scientists, business managers more options.


Our consultants include medical doctors, designers, data scientists, business managers more options.

About Brindle Partners

We're a smart, experienced group of consultants who accomplish great things with a small footprint.

Here to Help

Familiar with every step along the startup journey, we specialize in the strategy, research, and decisions needed with today's markets.

  • With detailed experience in many different industries, we help you identify options and make strategic decisions. Develop structure, gain traction and drive for success.

Contact Us

    Blog Insights

    Because we work with so many markets and startups, we're able to identify and chart patterns in ways that can benefit our clients.

    Five Takes on Sustain ability in business.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euis.

    Aug 08, 2021 Business

    One insight about harne data and AI from leaders.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euis.

    Aug 08, 2021 Finance

    Can your supply chain deliver consumer.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euis.

    Aug 08, 2021 Consulting

    Our Team

    The Brindle team draws from a broad network of professionals who worked together in the Silicon Valley.


    Margaret Miller

    Marketing/Sale Strategy

    Scott Wiener

    Consulting CEO/CTO/Exec Coach